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Classes Include:
#1138 I Love New York 10:00-11:00
#2055 Wild, Wild West 11:00-12:00
#1004 Communicate with Confidence12:30-1:30
#1143 What Would You Do, If? 1:30-2:30
#1047 What's Your Story? 10:00-11:00
#2031 Evolution of Dinosaurs II 11:00-12:00
#1176 Women of the 21st Century 12:30-1:30
#2002 Truth is Stranger than Fiction, Animal 1:30-2:30
#1085 World War II to Present 10:00-11:00
#2056 For the Love of Bugs 11:00-12:00
#1022 Spanish Culture 12:30-1:30
#1041 Pop Culture, it's a new world 1:30-2:30
#1157 Women of the 21st Century 10:00-11:00
#1148 Reuse, Reduce, Recycle 11:00-12:00
#1169 Animals of the Rain Forest 12:30-1:30
#1173 Myth Busters 1:30-2:30
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